jak robiłem testy to "zawijanie" i zniekształcanie ekranu objawiało się jak były za duże kondensatory na liniach "touch" obecnie dałem 68pF ( miały byc 100pF)
bo z 10 nF to była pomyłka...- nawet nie ma sensu pokazywac obrazków... podobnie robiłem próby z bardzo szybkim czytaniem po SPI - też robiły sie "banany" na wykresie - zamiast prostokąta...
warto tu zajrzeć ;-) na pierwszym linku źródła w C do pobrania do noty aplikacyjnej
Myśle że przy dobrze dobranych C i kondensatorach - program z filmu "paint na LCD " rozwiewa niepewnośc czy ekran dziala dobrze... czy źle.
... i jeszcze ten link - z kodami do metody 3 punktowej
Calibrate call touch_calibrate(). Routine set calibrate matrix and save to eeprom.
Calibrate using 3 point calibrate.
First point is 24,32.
Second point is 215,160.
Third point is 120,287.
Touch screen api will read matrix at init class. No need to call calibrate again.
lcdFont LCD;
touchscreen TS;
void showPoint(void)
char sTemp[8];
if (TS.screenPoint.x > 0)
LCD.Color = WHITE;
LCD.FgColor = GREEN; // text foreground color
LCD.BkColor = RED; // text background color
ltoa(TS.screenPoint.x, sTemp, 10);
LCD.TextBox( 0, 280, 59, 310, sTemp, ALINE_CENTER | BORDER_RECT | BORDER_FILL | BEVEL(8));
ltoa(TS.screenPoint.y, sTemp, 10);
LCD.TextBox( 60, 280, 119, 310, sTemp, ALINE_CENTER | BORDER_RECT | BORDER_FILL | BEVEL(8));
ltoa(TS.displayPoint.x, sTemp, 10);
LCD.TextBox(120, 280, 179, 310, sTemp, ALINE_CENTER | BORDER_RECT | BORDER_FILL | BEVEL(8));
ltoa(TS.displayPoint.y, sTemp, 10);
LCD.TextBox(180, 280, 239, 310, sTemp, ALINE_CENTER | BORDER_RECT | BORDER_FILL | BEVEL(8));
int setCalibrationMatrix( POINT * displayPtr,
POINT * screenPtr,
MATRIX * matrixPtr)
int retValue = 1 ;
matrixPtr->Divider = ((screenPtr[0].x - screenPtr[2].x) * (screenPtr[1].y - screenPtr[2].y)) -
((screenPtr[1].x - screenPtr[2].x) * (screenPtr[0].y - screenPtr[2].y)) ;
if( matrixPtr->Divider == 0 )
retValue = 0 ;
matrixPtr->An = ((displayPtr[0].x - displayPtr[2].x) * (screenPtr[1].y - screenPtr[2].y)) -
((displayPtr[1].x - displayPtr[2].x) * (screenPtr[0].y - screenPtr[2].y)) ;
matrixPtr->Bn = ((screenPtr[0].x - screenPtr[2].x) * (displayPtr[1].x - displayPtr[2].x)) -
((displayPtr[0].x - displayPtr[2].x) * (screenPtr[1].x - screenPtr[2].x)) ;
matrixPtr->Cn = (screenPtr[2].x * displayPtr[1].x - screenPtr[1].x * displayPtr[2].x) * screenPtr[0].y +
(screenPtr[0].x * displayPtr[2].x - screenPtr[2].x * displayPtr[0].x) * screenPtr[1].y +
(screenPtr[1].x * displayPtr[0].x - screenPtr[0].x * displayPtr[1].x) * screenPtr[2].y ;
matrixPtr->Dn = ((displayPtr[0].y - displayPtr[2].y) * (screenPtr[1].y - screenPtr[2].y)) -
((displayPtr[1].y - displayPtr[2].y) * (screenPtr[0].y - screenPtr[2].y)) ;
matrixPtr->En = ((screenPtr[0].x - screenPtr[2].x) * (displayPtr[1].y - displayPtr[2].y)) -
((displayPtr[0].y - displayPtr[2].y) * (screenPtr[1].x - screenPtr[2].x)) ;
matrixPtr->Fn = (screenPtr[2].x * displayPtr[1].y - screenPtr[1].x * displayPtr[2].y) * screenPtr[0].y +
(screenPtr[0].x * displayPtr[2].y - screenPtr[2].x * displayPtr[0].y) * screenPtr[1].y +
(screenPtr[1].x * displayPtr[0].y - screenPtr[0].x * displayPtr[1].y) * screenPtr[2].y ;
return( retValue ) ;
void touch_calibrate(void)
unsigned char press;
POINT screenSample[3]; //array of input points
POINT displaySample[3] = {{24,32},{215,160},{120,287}}; //array of expected correct answers TS.getMatrix();
POINT capturePoint; //array of valid input points
LCD.Color = WHITE; // graphic color
LCD.FgColor = WHITE; // text foreground color
LCD.BkColor = BLACK; // text background color
LCD.TextBox(0, 0, LCD.getMaxX(), 30, "Calibrate", ALINE_CENTER);
for (uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++)
// draw touch point
LCD.Color = RED;
LCD.Circle(displaySample[i].x, displaySample[i].y , 4);
press = 0;
TS.screenPoint.x = 0;
TS.screenPoint.y = 0;
capturePoint.x = TS.screenPoint.x;
capturePoint.y = TS.screenPoint.y;
TS.sampling(&TS.screenPoint, 50);
if (TS.screenPoint.x > 0)
// Is stable point?
if ((capturePoint.x == TS.screenPoint.x) && (capturePoint.y == TS.screenPoint.y))
press = 1;
// got a point
screenSample[i].x = TS.screenPoint.x;
screenSample[i].y = TS.screenPoint.y;
// mark complete point
LCD.Circle(displaySample[i].x, displaySample[i].y,3);
LCD.Circle(displaySample[i].x, displaySample[i].y,2);
LCD.Circle(displaySample[i].x, displaySample[i].y,1);
LCD.Color = WHITE;
LCD.Circle(displaySample[i].x, displaySample[i].y,4);
LCD.Circle(displaySample[i].x, displaySample[i].y,3);
LCD.Circle(displaySample[i].x, displaySample[i].y,2);
LCD.Circle(displaySample[i].x, displaySample[i].y,1);
LCD.TextBox(0, 0, LCD.getMaxX(), 30, "Calibrating", ALINE_CENTER);
setCalibrationMatrix(&displaySample[0], &screenSample[0], &TS.matrix); // calibration
TS.setMatrix(); // save matrix to eeprom
LCD.TextBox(0, 0, LCD.getMaxX(), 30, "Calibrated", ALINE_CENTER);
void setup()
touch_calibrate(); // use for calibrate only
LCD.Color = WHITE; // graphic color
LCD.FgColor = GREEN; // text foreground color
LCD.BkColor = RED; // text background color
LCD.TextBox( 0, 250, 59, 279, "scrX", ALINE_CENTER | BORDER_RECT | BORDER_FILL | BEVEL(8));
LCD.TextBox( 60, 250, 119, 279, "scrY", ALINE_CENTER | BORDER_RECT | BORDER_FILL | BEVEL(8));
LCD.TextBox(120, 250, 179, 279, "lcdX", ALINE_CENTER | BORDER_RECT | BORDER_FILL | BEVEL(8));
LCD.TextBox(180, 250, 239, 279, "lcdY", ALINE_CENTER | BORDER_RECT | BORDER_FILL | BEVEL(8));
void loop()