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FT-818 i TCXO-9
SQ6ILB Offline

Liczba postów: 186
Dołączył: 19-01-2019
Post: #6
RE: FT-818 i TCXO-9
A dodatkowo to co dostałem od techników Yeasu.

(06-07-2021 8:59)technik Yeasu napisał(a):  ...
All FT-818s have the TCXO fitted as standard.
I have listed the specifications below for the FT-818 and the FT-817.
You will see that the FT-818 stability is +/- 0.5 ppm, which is the same as the older FT-817 with the TXO filled.

Pozdrawiam Grzegorz.
08-07-2021 17:52
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FT-818 i TCXO-9 - SQ6ILB - 05-07-2021, 17:36
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RE: FT-818 i TCXO-9 - SQ6ILB - 05-07-2021, 20:50
RE: FT-818 i TCXO-9 - SP9RQA - 06-07-2021, 8:59
RE: FT-818 i TCXO-9 - SQ6ILB - 06-07-2021, 15:22
RE: FT-818 i TCXO-9 - SQ6ILB - 08-07-2021 17:52

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